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Tecco Group Limited reviews

4 reviews
jianjinshu guandong shenzhen China
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3 Reviews From Our Community

Comment for Feedback for Upright Fridge 200L/300L/550L required urgently

Review for ipod touch 2 generation
I ordered (3) Apple ipod touch's from Keith Smit.I sent him $138.00 usd.It took forever to receive anything.I ended up with a fake Rolex watch,and i haven't been able to reach him since.Will not answer emails or instant messenger.I emailed letting him know that i received the wrong order,but will not message me back.I would like to work something out.

Reaction for Never got my Iphone!!
Hello, I paid for an Iphone 3g 16gb and I never received it. they have not responded to me request for information about the Iphone, this is now the third time I have been scammed on this site. I want the Iphone or my money back. I have attached all of the emails that were sent. Please help me with this. I don't have any of the formats that you except for the emails, can I forward them to you? If so what email address should I send them to? John