Jin Li reviews

3 reviews
929 City st California Los Angeles USA
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3 Reviews From Our Community

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Remark for Steroids

Reaction for Fraud
Hope all is well. I placed an order wiht DSB around 2 months ago. after rushing me to send them $4100 for 30 cases of Jintropin growth hormone they started having long delays returning e-mials. 2 weeks after the money was sent they said everything is worled out and are sending the product and i\'ll be supplied with a tracking number by the next day. After not receiving the tracking number i qustioned them, they then replied with; things aren\'t looking good, then it was you\'re not going to receive your product. Now it nonsense stories about how his Job and family are being threaten, in which I have no idea of what that has to do with stealing over $4000 from me. I do carry a legal pharmaceutical license out of mexico. I need be, I can send you Paypal info along with e-mial transcripts....However, Mr. john Wilson who is supposeldy the owner of DSB will probabaly tell yuou i\'m telling yo the truth; cause he\'s just that big of a scam artist. Thank you for your time